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Press material
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For all images unless otherwise stated:
Photos of the Royal Family are free to use by media and organisations in articles about the Royal Family.
For use in publications, please contact press@preks.se for permission.
Personal use of the images is permitted.
Copyright must always be stated. If the name of the photographer is in the file name it must also be stated.
The photos may not be used for marketing purposes or used for products, packaging, advertising, post card, posters, or similar.
Images must not be used without permission in public performances, for public display or for dissemination to the public.
Images must not be manipulated without permission, except for normal editing.
Images must not be archived. Images must not be copied. Images must not be sold on to, or distributed to, third parties.
For more information, questions and more images, please contact press@preks.se or call Sylvia Rynell, communications, +46708449292